He was born on the 17th night of Ramadhaan in 1343 A.H./1922 C.E. in the town of al-’Areeq which is known as Waadee Hu’aam, which happens to be one of the Waadee’s of Yamaamah.
He studied a number of works with Shaykh Ibn Baaz from the major books and other than them from the books of hadeeth and fiqh. During his time with him, he memorised a number of treatises including Buloogh al-Maraam, and he was very keen in seeking knowledge based upon authentic proofs.
When the Educational Institute opened in Riyadh at the beginning of 1371 A.H./1950 C.E. he transferred there and later graduated from the Faculty of Sharee’ah in 1377 A.H./1956 C.E.
On the 4th of Jumaada al-Oolaa in 1375 A.H./1954 C.E. he was appointed a teacher at the Educational Institute, and then on the 9th of Jumaada al-Oolaa he transferred to the Minsitry of Education and worked there as an inspector of religious studies for secondary schools.
On the 8th of Dhul-Qa’dah 1380 A.H./1959 C.E. he transferred to the Court of Grievances and worked there as a member of the judiciary.
On the 1st of Rabee’ ath-Thaanee 1397 A.H./1976 C.E. he was made a member of the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, arising from his appointment to the Council of Senior Scholars.
On the 1st of Muharram 1406 A.H./1985 C.E. he retired.
He still partakes in educational activities and passes fatwa, and assists the University of al-Malik Sa’ood by giving levtures to students in higher studies in the department of Islaamic Education.
On the 20th of Sha’baan 1378 A.H./1957 C.E. he was appointed the imaam and khateeb of the Jaami’ al-Masheeqeeq in Riyadh.
On the 1st of Muharram 1391 A.H./1970 C.E. he was appointed the imaam and khateeb of the Jaami’ of al-Malik ‘Abdul-’Azeez, a post which he still holds to date.
He has a number of publications to his name, amongst them a collection of his khutbah’s put together in 4 volumes.
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by: kisah-kisah teladan
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